Acreage Haven: 100% Privacy!
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SOLD Under the Hammer
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SOLD Under the Hammer -
Tidy Cabin in over 50's Village
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$390 per week -
Renovated home including utilities
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$620pw incl electricity, water, internet,mowingRenovated home including utilities- 3
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$620pw incl electricity, water, internet,mowing -
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Under Contract -
Under Offer
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Mid $800,000's -
Spic and Span. Solar Electricity and Hot Water. Lovely family home
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$670 WeeklySpic and Span. Solar Electricity and Hot Water. Lovely family home- 3
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$670 Weekly -
Peaceful Palmwoods Home
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OFFERS OVER $869,000 -
Family Home with a large yard, resort style pool, shed & workshop
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$600.00 Per WeekFamily Home with a large yard, resort style pool, shed & workshop- 3
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$600.00 Per Week -
Popular Palmwoods. Quiet Street. Walk to the township. Commute to Brisbane by train.
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$595 WeeklyPopular Palmwoods. Quiet Street. Walk to the township. Commute to Brisbane by train.- 3
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$595 Weekly