What a bonus, with the added expectations being placed on all of us each year with electricity costs, 77 Denny street provides a sure fire way to put money in the bank each year, yes, a positive return and you still get the house of your dreams as well, what a win win all round!

Add to this the excellent Oasis’ grey water filtration system and this residence becomes a highly efficient all round energy and dollar saving home offering thousands in savings over the years to come.

A lovely streetscape with well manicured gardens provides access to this 4 bedroom family residence, an excellent start up home for the astute purchaser or maybe the one to raise the kids in with its level backyard that offers views and endless hours of play time for the kids in the Umbagong Park’ and Ginninderra Creek area beyond.

The home itself has an updated kitchen, good sized bedrooms, with separate lounge, dining and meals area. The main bedroom features an ensuite and its own viewing balcony. Add to this all the savings to be gained from the solar efficiency of this home and you are on a winner for many years to come.


4 bedroom ensuite home
Ducted gas heating
Split system cooling
Great views over Umbagong District Park
24 panels providing up to 3kWhrs of power
Oasis Grey water plant (Ongoing contract in place)
1000 litre tank
Oasis GT 600 Grey Water Treatment System

The system is an automated, above ground grey water treatment system designed to accept residential grey water from, (baths/spa’s, showers, and bathroom floor wastes, along with washing machines and laundry tubs) and treat it to a high standard of quality. In return can then be utilised for gardens, and non drinking water consumption saving in cases up to 40% in drinking water consumption.