Minutes drive to Thornton Town Centre, Schools, Bus stops, Railway Station, Raymond Terrace Road & New England HWY for easy access to Maitland Airport/Centre & Newcastle City.
This home offers an open style gourmet kitchen, large lounge/dining areas, double lock up garage with internal access, reverse cycle split air-conditioning, theatre family room , internal laundry, large bathroom, covered entertaining area and for those hot summer days a prestine inground swimming pool.
Other features:
*Located in a peaceful location
*Ensuite and a walk-in robe to main bedroom
*Simpson appliances, gas cook top & dishwasher
*All set on approximately 730 sq.m allotment
*Potential rental income $450 per week
*Vertical blinds
*Built-in wardrobes
*Side access to back yard
*Huge garden shed
Open for Inspection
*Wednesday, 18th May, 2011 5:00pm to 5:45pm
Details Sam El-Kurdi 0410 454 419
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