“Great things come in small prices! Sometimes! But you have to hurry when the opportunity arises.”

I think you’ll agree with me when you see this happy home. Yes, it’s happy! It’s full of sunlight and space and sits in a serene little street where hardly a car drives by. It’s a wonderfully little street Goonbi Street – no one really knows of it even though it’s really quite close to everything and it’s flood-free!

This home is the perfect 1st Home or investment – it would rent for $230/wk, it’s solid and it’s in a lovely neighbourhood.

The current owner knows this, it has been a great place to live – “nip home at lunch time from work and love the sound of nothing when you’re home.”

And, if you run out of milk or bread, there’s a general store just around the corner!

This lovely 2BR/1BATH/2LIVING/1CAR home features:

- Open-planned lounge/dining/kitchen at front of house – full of sunlight!
- Large family room at rear of home: air conditioning, TV points.
- Galley style kitchen: dual access, electric cooking.
- Large built-in robes, air conditioning, ceiling fans.
- 2nd toilet in back yard & concrete footpaths everywhere!
- Great studio room in back yard + utility shed.
- Large carport/BBQ area.
- Austar, broadband, huge Hills Hoist, modern TV antenna.
- Town water, power, town sewer, daily mail, school bus.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is a very sweet buy….definitely put it on your “to see” list!

Call me anytime/any day to arrange your inspection.