Sitting in one of Macksvilles highest points overlooking the town and farmland beyond is this great investment…!!!

The main residence offers 2 bedrooms plus a large sleep-out, spacious lounge/dining area with wide timber boards, front verandah, storage area at the rear and off street parking. Currently rented to an excellent tenant paying $330pw.

The separate self-contained 1 bedroom flat offers a large lounge room, kitchen and bathroom and front porch overlooking the farmland and mountains to the west. Currently tenanted to an excellent tenant paying $210pw.

Block size is 914 m2 and with 3 road access is perfect for redevelopment.

Note: power and water are not currently separately metered and is included in the tenants rent. The current expense of these utilities and including council rates averages $110pw – Still leaving an excellent net return to the investor of approximately $430pw.

For further information regarding this property or to arrange an inspection please contact NAMBUCCA VALLEY PROPERTY " (02) 6568 3096