IF YOU ARE CURRENTLY RENTING you would be saving money by owning this unit! $300 a week towards a mortgage is like forced savings because when you come to sell you get all that money back. Have you ever thought of it like that? How would you feel if I said I will refund you two years rent or $31,200? That’s what it means to you simply by ownig this unit (as opposed to paying $300 a week rent on a house you might be in now). Wouldn’t it be good if your weekly accomodation costs were working for you instead of someone else? That $300 per week is approximately all it will cost to beat that rent cycle.
IF YOU ARE AN INVESTOR do your sums on a $220 weekly rental return and see how much you think it’s worth? It’s not to difficult to see a better return by owning this property than the current interest you might be getting in the bank. Again, you work out the price that works for you.
The unit itself is well maintained with two bedrooms, a nice outlook and northerly aspect off the front verandah. It’s a great buying opportunity not to be missed to enter the market in an area where equity can be built and money can be made. Be in it to win it.