Situated in a central location in the heart of Picton and within walking distance to schools, sporting facilities, restaurants, shops and rail. This is a beautifully restored and modernised home, ideal for the young family or someone who works in the city. Outdoor entertaining overlooking a leafy backyard with a beautiful gardens and a big backyard for the children to play.

* 3 bedroom family home.
* Set on 1843m2 block of land.
* Formal lounge room
* Newly renovated kitchen with ceasarstone top benches with glass splash back
* Original thermal lined polished timber floors boards
* Reverse cycle ducted air conditioning
* Solar power (1.5kw) system
* Timber back deck with separate toilet.
* Small orchard, veggie patch & chook pen
* Single garage and carport.

For additional information on this property or to arrange an inspection, please ring the office and ask to speak to one of our sales team!

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