AREA: 1,501 hectares (3,710 acres)
Located at Collarenebri.
Western Lands Lease
425mm (17 inches)
Comprises mainly of level black self-mulching Coolibah Belah country. This is interspersed with some better red/brown loamy soils. Original timber was mainly Coolibah and Belah with some Wilga, Myall and Box on the higher country.
10% Arable
147 ha cultivation
1,351 ha grazing and timbered country, approximately 40% heavier timber.
Current PVP until 2027
Currently 129.50 ha planted to wheat
Subdivided into 3 main paddocks.
Connected to the 8 mile capped and piped bore scheme.
Three dams, three tanks and four troughs
Terry Adams – 0427 525 666 (Moree Real Estate)
Paul Kelly – 0428 281 428 (Moree Real Estate)
David Orr – 0427 522 214 (Pitman Deakin)
Andrew Pitman – 0427 668 377 (Pitman Deakin)
All care has been taken in compiling this information sheet but it is prepared on instructions and details supplied by the vendor, for whom we act as agents only, and we cannot accept any responsibility for errors or omission (if any). Intending purchasers should satisfy themselves as to the correctness of these particulars