
Situated 38km South of Nevertire and 58km South from Warren on the Bogan Road. Excellent grazing country principally heavy grey self mulching soils with some areas of red clay and red loam.
The property is lightly timbered with Myall, Belah, Rosewood, Box and Wilga. There are six ground tanks.
Improvements include the woolshed and sheep yards, steel cattle yards and two old cottages (both need repair), also one cone bottomed silo.
The long term average rainfall is 450mm/18inches, a lot of new fencing has been completed on Burradene, with 10km of 8/90/30 hinge joint and 5km netting. The property is subdivided into 5 main paddocks plus holding paddocks in various states of repair.
Burradene offers an excellent opportunity to purchase affordable grazing country in the Nevertire/Warren Area.

Warren is situated 126km North West of Dubbo on the banks of the Macquarie River. Medical facilities include a new modern multi-purpose health centre, 2 doctors, dentist and local pharmacy. Sporting facilities include sporting and cultural centre, two ovals, 18 hole golf course, squash courts, bowling club, tennis courts with most other sports catered for. Education is covered with Pre-school, Catholic Primary School, Central School to Year 12 and Tafe.

Private Sale $731,500

For Further Details Please Contact the selling agent
Landmark Wilson Russ
Trevor Wilson: 0428 667 561
Stuart Russ: 0428 936 951
Warren Office: 02 6847 4702

Email: wilsonruss@bigpond.com

General Features:
- Property Type: Livestock