From this updated home you could almost hear the fish beckoning from the wonderful Macquarie River.
Recently refurbished the home is now tenanted at $260pw.
Light and bright throughout, this home reflects an inviting ambience that was the aim of its current owners and certainly achieved especially in the kitchen and bathroom regions.
There are up to 3 bedrooms depending on the layout you require and having a primary plus a secondary bathroom is certainly a big advantage.
The home is situated on a parcel of land some 600 plus square metres in area with side drive access to the Garage and large yard.
If you manage your own super fund, looking for an affordable investment property or for your first home then 117 Gobolion Street ticks these all these boxes.
* Images reflect properties at the time when the photos were taken or in some cases at an earlier point to accommodate the privacy of the tenant or owner. Seasonal changes and maintenance can affect the current presentation and prospective purchasers are urged to use them as a guide only.