
AREA: 412 Hectares (1017 Acres) Freehold.

REMARKS: Well-fenced, well-watered, comfortable residence. Good shed, very little ongoing maintenance required allow you to get on with sheep/cattle/fodder or cereal grain production. Versatile property. Present ownership for 42 years, previous ownership was 50 years.

SITUATION: Well-situated just 20Km North of Bingara, 24Km from Warialda & 87Km to Inverell.

SOILS: Soft, brown/red earths, gently undulating country.

CULTIVATION: 344 Hectares /850 Acres suitable for fodder or cereal grains production.

TIMBER: White Box & Wilga.

FENCING: Fencing on ‘Orban’ is very good.

WATER: A well-watered property. The solar pump & windmill on the well (16m deep – 10m to water & 6m of water). Tested as hard but good for stock as it contains small amounts of calcium and salt.
The well pumps to 100,000 litre concrete tank that gravity feeds to 6 troughs & house, then to another elevated tank that gravity feeds troughs.
14 concrete tanks in total.
8 dams.
Water in every paddock.

PASTURES: Soft native grasses & natural burr medics are well represented over the whole of the property.

RESIDENCE: Comfortable & spacious 3 Bedroom residence. Verandahs, modern well-equipped kitchen. The water for the residence is supplied by 14000 gal of rain storage & the dam supplied water to toilets & garden.

MACHINERY SHED: 13m x 10m machinery shed with concrete floor, power & lights.

SHEEP YARDS/ CATTLE YARDS: Both work well & are of modern design. Steel sheep yards & timber cattle yards.

SHEARING SHED: 2 stand shearing shed

CARRYING CAPACITY: Without any fodder supplement the vendor estimates the property will run 140 breeding cows & 360 wethers.