420 acre(approx) is situated on the Emmaville rd just past the Airport. The property is made up of predominately basalt soils with some blue granite. Over 200 acres of cultivation with frontage to Hawthorne Creek for permanent water. The property is subdivided into 12 paddocks with 13 dams and the creek. Some boundary fence has been renewed on the eastern boundary.
The property is 9.16 kms from the post office in the center of town on bitumen road.
The property has a two bedroom home with wood stove , lounge room and kitchen as one.
There is a 2 bay zincalume shed with a carport, 3 stand shearing shed(2 Fitted), silo shed and a large fodder storage barn with attached lambing shed.
There has been work done with a new cattle handling facilities including vet crush and loading ramp.
The property is carrying 35 horses and 30 weaner calves.
Photos taken under severe drought conditions.