This diverse 166.6 Ha (Approx.400 acres) of eastern fall country is a definite haven for native and introduced fauna. The block has a combination creeks, springs, wooded areas, open grazing and granite outcrops. The ability to have running water through a open setting is just the ideal place to sit back and watch the world go by with your favourite drink. Have a vegetable patch, a few animals and live life in a tranquil setting.
The property in the past has run 35-50 heifers with definite scope for more. The block is fenced into three paddocks and has an additional 5 dams for stock watering.
The property has feral pigs, deer and foxes for hunting purposes. Native animals include kangaroos, wallabies, bird life including parrots, lorikeets and finches.
Timber on the block is box, stringy,blackbutt and black sally. Some logging has occurred in the past.