AREA: 464 ha (1,146 ac)
Approximately 45km east of Moree, 10km west of Gravesend and 35km from Warialda on the Gwydir Highway.
Freehold – Lot 10 DP1226495
625mm (25 inches) – over 400mm rain to date 2020.
The property comprises gently sloping chocolate and brown loam running down to the Gwydir River which makes up part on the northern boundary. Some areas of lighter red and brown loam. Originally timbered by Red River Gum, White Box, Gum and Ironbark.
260ha of current cropping country, all fallowed out of wheat 2020, good stubble cover. Will be planted to winter crop again for 2021 season.
An additional 53.5ha of arable country, all sown to subtropical pastures – North West Plains Mix being Bambatsi, Panic, Didgit and Bluegrass. 10 years established.
The property is fenced into 12 main paddocks. Grazing country is mostly all interlinked allowing for stock to move between paddocks and not on cultivation country.
Fencing is mostly steel post, 4 barb, steel end assemblies. 6km new boundary and internal fencing.
Bore with electric submersible, fully automated, pumps to 2 x 22,000L poly tanks, gravity feeds to 7 troughs
7 earth dams
500m Gwydir River frontage
3 x unequipped bores
Steel cattle yards, includes round yard, race, crush and ramp
Shearing shed, 2 stand, older yards attached
Approximately 60 cows. Currently de stocked and grazing country carrying a large body of feed. Another 36ha of adjoining TSR available to purchasers for grazing.
Sandy Bailey 0406 109 492
Paul Kelly 0428 281 428
“All care has been taken in compiling this information sheet but it is prepared on instructions and details supplied by the vendor, for whom we act as agents only, and we cannot accept any responsibility for errors or omission (if any). Intending purchasers should satisfy themselves as to the correctness of these particulars.”