AREA: 1,100.59 ha 2,719.56 (acres)
LOCATION: 40kms north Warialda
SERVICES: All services in Warialda
TITLE: Freehold
RAINFALL: 650mm (26 inches)
COUNTRY: Mainly undulating black basalt open grazing with a few timbered hills
CROPPING: Approx. 400 acres could be cultivated with little work
FENCING: Boundary fencing is stock proof with some new fencing
WATER: 1 unequipped bore, 4 dams – 2 of these are spring fed, 4 springs in gullies
3 bedroom weatherboard home, hay shed, cattle yards with crush
200 cows and calves.
“All care has been taken in compiling this information sheet but it is prepared on instructions and details supplied by the vendor, for whom we act as agents only, and we cannot accept any responsibility for errors or omission (if any). Intending purchasers should satisfy themselves as to the correctness of these particulars”.