Under specific instructions by the executors this cherished family residence Must be Sold. Positioned on an expansive 829sqm north facing block, in a sought after and convenient location and offering endless scope and potential to the savvy buyer.
- A well loved deceased estate on offer for the first time
- Live in now with scope to update or build a new home (STCA)
- Spacious open living and dining area with built-in storage
- Freshly painted and polished timber floors throughout
- Expansive backyard provides scope for granny flat
- Original kitchen, ample cupboard space, air conditioning
- Four well scaled bedrooms, two are fitted with built-in robe
- Good size bathroom, single lock-up garage features a w/c
- Minutes to Parramatta CBD, walk to quality schools and parks
- Near Ermington shops, close to both city and Parramatta buses