Looking for a large blocks on the high side of the street? Tick. Looking for something that’s close to transport? Tick. Shopping centre nearby? Tick. Granny flat potential*! BIG Tick! This home has the lot so make sure you circle this one!
Things we love about this property;
* Open floorpan living maximises light and space highlighting gorgeous timber floors
* Oversized bedrooms with built-in robes
* Updated bathroom highlighting quality fixtures and fittings
* Close to the entry to both northbound and southbound M7
* Close to eastbound and westbound Great Western Highway and M4
* Close to Eastern Creek Quarter and the great range of food and shops on offer
* Just moments to Eastern Creek Logistics hub
* Motorsports? Sydney Motorsport Park is so close
* Proximity to the new Sydney Zoo
* Wander Western Sydney Parklands
* Prospect Nature Reserve just moments drive
* Close to a choice of schools
This well presented home will leave you lacking for naught. It’s got the lot! Call Billy Markovski now on 0424 663 522 for more information on this stunner!

*STCA – Subject to Council Approval