The Solar Village in Humpty Doo was initially conceived in the late 1970s and consists of an area of 320 acres located 40 minutes from the Darwin CBD. The land is divided into 13 lots that are owned privately and are completely off the main power grid. The entire area is zoned for wildlife and environmental conservation. Perfect for this block which includes a seasonal creek and watercourse forests, in addition to varied open dry forest vegetation.

The land was first occupied in the 1960s, and there remains evidence of earlier occupation. There is a fully operational windmill and irrigation system that pumps water to the elevated tank to supply gravity fed water to the parcel. The block is 11.6 ha (comprising 28.66 acres) with a wet season running creek and native forest, access includes 1.5 km of unsealed road.

One not to be missed, very natural native bush block and so close to the heart of Humpty Doo!