Located in one of Palmerston’s most sought after premier commercial/industrial locations in Yarrawonga with prime Tulagi Rd frontage, put your sign up and the business will come to you.

Combined total land area of 150sqm on freehold title with tenant “Pit Lane Café”.

Approx 100sqm lock up shed / warehouse with 50sqm air-conditioned & tiled showroom used as fast food.

Self contained with ablutions & kitchenette

Fully concreted floor, lights and fans & 3 Phase power.

Rear courtyard is well fenced with 1800mm high cyclone mesh and is great for storage (grease trap also in use).

Nice secure compound with good neighboring tenants and owners.

Many large businesses nearby attract a good amount of business to this precinct as well as passing trade on Stuart Highway and to and from the Robinson military Barracks.

The property is well located, great position and leased at $2000 per month until April 2014, tenants have been there 8 years and wish to renew lease if possible.

A great investment or a prime location to run your business in the future.

Body corporate per quarter $ 473.65 rates approx $1000 annually .