This solid brick home is in the perfect location for the growing family. Located just two streets behind Kmart plaza in Arana Hills and only minutes away from schools and public transport.
At first you will see that the home has a double lock-up garage, courtyard and beautiful front verandah. However once you walk inside, the impressive, high wooden ceilings will immediately catch your eye.
There are two living areas, an extremely well-appointed kitchen, three bedrooms and an immaculate bathroom.
This home is ideal for entertaining guests as the kitchen looks out onto the back patio and stunning pool.
The property, situated on a massive 1012m2 block, is ready to move into in its present condition but also offers loads of potential down the track and must be seen to be appreciated!
Don’t wait, call Coronis today!
Huge 1012m2 block
Tiled throughout
Fully fenced