Producing an impressing $730 per week this fabulous 7 bedroom, 3 bathroom home is the perfect option for dual independent living.
With current tenants in place until April 2018, this is a No Brainer addition to your existing portfolio or the perfect toe in the water for the first time property investor.
With the front dwelling consisting of 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and spacious living and the rear with a huge lounge, 3 bedrooms and another bathroom this property will cater for any large or extended family configuration.
Set on a sprawling 5817m2 this unique property will provide a world of opportunities for anyone that craves wide open spaces.
It’s also ideal for Truckies, Tradies, Car Enthusiasts or even a hobby farm.
This mini acreage may just be the perfect tree change you’ve been looking for.

*This property is being sold without price and therefore a price guide cannot be provided. The website may have filtered the property into a price bracket for website functionality purposes.