Why pay more for new when you can get just as good for less. Save when you buy in this well established Over 50′s Resort.

Sapphire Gardens has many amenities including bowling green, tennis court, club house and swimming pool, you can truly enjoy your lifestyle. Villa features:-

. 3 Bedrooms (all with built in robes)
. 1 Bathroom
. Separate 2nd toilet
. Good size lounge & dining area
. Well appointed kitchen with dishwasher & plenty of cupboards
. Air conditioning
. Single garage with remote controlled door

Eagleby has many attributes including its location halfway between Brisbane and the Gold Coast and offers affordable homes with easy access to the M1, Logan Motorway and Express Train to Brisbane CBD or the Gold Coast. For your convenience Eagleby has shopping centre with Supa IGA, Post Office, a variety of speciality shops, Tavern and many parks and recreation areas.

Arrange your private inspection today.