Gracing an elevated block in renowned Wilden Street, this high set original home with impressive city views awaits a committed owner. Within metres from Latrobe Terrace and strolling distance to Rosalie village, it offers the quintessential Paddington lifestyle.
The basic floorplan incorporates open plan living areas adorned with traditional inclusions indicative of its age. An older style bathroom and kitchen are ready to upgrade, plus there are two good sized bedrooms. With a diminishing supply of houses to renovate in this highly sought-after locale boasting multi-million dollar properties, it is an astute investment.
* Occupies a 405sqm land parcel with a 10 metre street frontage
* Preserved wide polished floorboards, beautiful leadlight windows
* Restore to its former glory or transform into a modern residence
* Enhance the district outlook by building a multi-level home
* Set towards the front of the block with ample space to extend
* Fenced, gently undulating, mostly cleared, off street car parking
* Peaceful locality with a split road divided by a leafy nature strip
* City bus stops at the top of the street, walk to the Antique Centre
* Near Paddington Central, coffee shops, bars and restaurants