This property is a pleasure to visit, so don’t hold back thinking you might be inconveniencing the real estate agent. we love showing this one.
Even in the drought the driveway in is picturesque as you meander past the dam, the orchard, and the lawns and gardens. there is even a designated visitors parking bay waiting for you.
From there it is under the Jacaranda and up the steps onto the full length front verandah. Take in the northerly views while you are there.
Into the house and you are introduced to the first lounge room. To the left is the 3rd bedroom, and it is huge and comfortable. Then you proceed past the formal dining room into the long galley style kitchen. Oops! there was a 4th bedroom off the dining room, and a decent size too. From the kitchen you can choose to go to the laundry and bathroom, or you can turn to the right and enter the second lounge room, with the wood heater. So you have a summer lounge room and a winter lounge room.
Now we come to the main bedroom. Wow! It is ballroom size, and there is a good size ensuite off it also. You could bunk all the rellies down in this one room if you needed to. But you don’t, because the 2nd bedroom (off the 1st lounge room) is also massive. You would need a lot of visitors to fill this house. But just in case; there is also a large separate retreat behind the house, which you could use as a hobby room, or art studio, or a teenage retreat, or, or, or.
The property has been set up for a horse, and a small market garden. So you really are getting a lifestyle here. But don’t leave it too late, or you will be talking about ‘the one that got away’ for a long, long time. Come and talk to the Nanango real estate specialist and pick up a copy of the sustainability declaration.