LOCATION: “Lyndock” 50km South East if Surat and 54km South West of Glen Morgan.
RAINFALL: 22″ annual average
FACILITIES: Rural power, Mail service, Telephone, TV and Internet.
AREA & TENURE: 4,047.02 ha (10,000 Acres) Freehold, Maranoa Regional Council.
COUNTRY: ‘Lyndock’ has been extensively developed in the past 10 years from a green block by pulling, raking, ploughing and sowing to Buffel grass and silk sorghum comprising 70% of the property. This area comprises of Belah, Brigalow, Box, Wilga origin country. The balance rises to mixed Bendee Scrub Ridges with areas remaining to be treated. Buffel grass is now very dominant throughout and is improving considerably with rainfall on the treated soft wood country. A “P” map is current.
WATER: A very well watered property with 2 bores, one is flowing with 8 dams.
FENCING: An exceptionally well fenced property with all new fencing and steel gates; Sub-divided into 11 paddocks and lane way system to cattle yards.
YARDS: Partly fixed steel panels including working crush, drafting pound vet crush, calf crush and loading ramp, balance is demountable steel panels and timber and wire holding yard.
BUILDINGS: Recently renovated 2 bedroom timber cottage, with air conditioners and open front veranda, an attached car shed and lock up tool room.
CARRYING CAPACITY: Presently carrying approximately 1000 mixed cattle including, cows, calves and weaners.

AGENTS COMMENTS ” ‘LYNDOCK’ Has a good location to feedlots and cattle markets in the southern east region of Queensland”