Seeing is believing.
A World Class Lifestyle is available right here in Agnes Water. The location is Sunrise at 1770. A 174 lot residential lifestyle development spread over 4 km and six beaches right on on the edge of the Southern Great Barrier Reef. Award winning ecologically sustainable community. First class community facilities. Completely natural environment with all plants endemic to the area. Best practice sustainable design principals.
The best of the Springs Beach end of the estate comes with this 4022 sqm ocean view allotment. The building options are many with plenty of room to breath from neighboring properties.
On the market to be sold this is a rare opportunity to buy in at prices below original development cost.
All indicators are pointing to the next growth phase for Agnes Water. This is the time to buy and the smart money has been moving in for some time.
To explore this opportunity and receive a full IM of building and living in Sunrise ta 1770 call Marketing Agent Gordon Christian today.