This highset home in the coastal village of Tuan offers the very best of seaside living. Situated across the road from the boat ramp, the front balcony offers fantastic views of the Great Sandy Straits and Tuan Creek. The home features two built-in bedrooms, air conditioned lounge dining area, and a laundry/sewing room which could be converted to a third bedroom. The front deck captures the afternoon sea breezes, and would be the ideal place to relax with a coldie after a day’s fishing. Underneath is fully enclosed, with accommodation for four vehicles, a huge workbench, and a storage room. Water is supplied from two 5000gallon rainwater tanks, and a bore for the garden.
Only twenty minutes from Maryborough, put this property on your “To Inspect” list.

The Sustainability Declaration for this property can be obtained by contacting the agent.