For those with a passion for the water but want to stay close to the CBD, the high clearance double bay rendered shed is built, ready for your boat! This executive 630sqm block of land also comes complete with fully architecturally designed plans for your dream home. For busy people, its ideal, all the hard work has been done for you, and you can just bring your builder to enjoy the ocean views, new lifestyle precinct and walking distance to the beach.

The shed is 10m x 6m and has high clearance doors (which open as one) of 5m. Inside there are lights and power and a mezzanine storage floor for the fishing gear. A large caravan would also be well accommodated. As well as the shed a driveway, retaining wall, piers for the future carport and land preparation have already been done. Surrounded by executive homes, this area of waterfront land is a very upmarket address in Mackay and only 2 mins drive to the Mackay CBD. Blocks with a fully completed shed, ready for the house, at the beach, don’t come onto the market like this very often, so don’t delay, call Kerrie Young now for an onsite inspection with the house plans – 0413071119.

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