This lovely high-set home is in a perfect central location, just a few minutes away from Major Shopping such as Domain Central & Bunnings Warehouse. Furniture outlets, other shopping centres such as Stocklands & Kmart and a very short walking distance to Woolworths, also close by is the Long Tan Public Pool and Heatley State Primary School. Its also just a short drive to the Hospital and University (approximately 7 Minutes. 4.5 Kilometres)
Air-conditioned home is a good size, features polished hardwood timber floors throughout. The kitchen has plenty of bench space with overhead cupboards and dual bowl sink.
Downstairs is lockable large 7.2 X 4 metre STORAGE ROOM, which could be utilized as a home theatre room or a teenagers retreat.
The land is 607 square metres in size, so plenty of room for a large shed and pool if so desired.
Similar properties in the area are being leased at $310 to $340 per week
Townsville Market prices are on the increase and interest rates are very low. It is a great time to be buying in these bustling central areas that are close to the city!
. Fully air-conditioned
. Built-ins to all bedrooms.
. Large & breezy DECK
. Toilets X 2 (upstairs and downstairs)
. Secured windows
. Double gate side access
. Polished floors to living areas & throughout.
. Approximately 2.2 metres high under the house
Please call for your own private inspection.