Paying off your home can be hard at any stage or perhaps you are wanting to move into a unit but can’t deal with having to pay thousands of dollars every year in Body Corporate Fees. You may even want to become an investor but worried about what would happen if the property was vacant and there was no money coming in. Well we think a duplex may be the answer to your all your problems. With one great investment, you are buying 2 x two bedroom units with their own car accommodation and your very own back yard. An added bonus there is no body corp fee!. Live in one side and rent out the other guaranteeing you extra cash each week to help you pay off your own mortgage or perhaps you might want to rent both units with the thought of doubling your rental income. What about your aging parents? Are they having trouble maintaining the family home and don’t want to pay the retirement village’s hefty fees, this could be the answer, but don’t snooze on this one as the figures speak for themselves. The old owners have done so well out of the properties over the years they have packed up the camper and are now able to go on a permanent holiday around the traps. What would you rather be doing, starting up or slowing down either way “the outcome is income ” so why not have someone else pay off your home.

For your private inspection call
Kylie Douglas 0417 611648
Mark Lake 040408284922