Suedes Motor Co is situated at 207 Ingham Road, West End, Townsville. The business consists of a well established mechanical workshop, an office and reception area.

The business has been operating for 8 years, the last 2 years of which it has been owned by the current vendors. The vendors do not work in the business.

The business has many areas of competitive edge and advantages including the following:
Main road frontage;
High exposure;
There is a high level of repeat customers;
The business is well established;
It has an excellent reputation;
The business would respond quickly to efforts of an owner/operator.

There is a good equipment base and the office/reception has been refurbished with new furniture and computers.

The business is being sold on a walk in walk out’ basis for $135,000.

The vendors are selling due to a move to Brisbane.

A full sale proposal is available on request.