You know you’ve ll been looking for these gems.
2 lots on one title. An easy splitter, even for the novice subdivider.
A town planning assessment has already been prepared and is available upon request.
SUMMARY: It’s a fantastic piece of land and there’s heaps you can do with it.
The land already slopes to the street for storm water. AWESOME, even the land gods are on your side.
Quality tenants in place give you holding income while you decide what you want to do.
Maybe slide the house across and re-align the boundary ( a battle-axe block up the back)?
Maybe try to put units on the site (a six-unit complex shares the rear boundary).
Maybe turn it into your new office or develop as a commercial block?
Dual Occ?
The railway is only down the road so it’ll always be a great renter.
What about KFC over the road. HEAVEN!!!!!!
And Booval Fair Shopping Fair is a very easy 2 min walk (we’ve done it in one minute).
- Big W
- Australia Post
- Woolies
- Flight Centre
- Red Rooster
- Subway
- Terry White Chemist
- Westpac
- Heritigae Bank
- Commonwealth Bank
- Bank of Qld
- Bendigo Bank
- Pet Barn
- Crazy Bargains & Go Dollar Discounts
- OPSM & Lens Pro
- Williams Footwear
- Strandbags
- Lowes
- Millers, Rockmans, Suzanne Grae, Crossroads, Be Me
- Coffee Club
- Donut King
- Police Beat
- ….STOP, STOP STOP, we get it, it’s in a great location.
Doctors surgery two doors up. Close to transport.
ZONED: Character Mixed Use means you’ve got heaps of options. HEAPS!!!!
The BONUS is having the two lots already gives you a much easier pathway to maximising the highest and best use of this property.
As the property stands, it’s a 3 BR 1 bath beautiful old home that has only recently had the roof and outside repainted.
It’s deceptively huge inside. Some tenants have called it the Tardis because it looks so big inside!!
In 2006 a DA was approved (now lapsed) to lift it and turn it into downstairs offices for the business. Upstairs living, downstairs set up for work.
It’s rare you’ll find a place that is so well located with such a HUGE upside and massive potential to make a significant profit.
Don’t delay, when prices start moving in Brisbane, people ALWAYS start heading to Ipswich to find better buying opportunities and this is one of them.
Want to mix a small scale commercial and residential development in the one site? This might just be the site to own.
Call Mike on 0407 007 009 to arrange an inspection.
Subdividable Block, Splitter block, slide & shift block.