Valley of the Lakes: This neat property is situated only 10 min from Esk township. The 3 bedroom brick home has built-ins, main with WIR and ensuite and air con, separate bathroom and toilet, sep laundry, modern kitchen, lounge/dining combined, tiled and carpeted throughout, fully screened, insulated ceiling, solar hot water, tinted windows and doors, separate utility room, 6000 gal of rainwater storage, full length front bull nose verandah and large entertainment pergola at the back. The property has it own fully equipped (potable) bore which is set up to fully irrigate the beautiful established low maintenance gardens. There is plenty of shed infrastructure with a 6 x 9 mtr 2 bay colorbond shed with awning, concreted,power, and a 2300 gal rainwater tank attached. Another 9 x 9 mtr concreted colorbond shed with power and 3 mtr high, ideal for horse float access. Also a 2 open bay farm shed, tack room/ feed shed, chook pen, concreted garden shed, large self watering shade house and much more. The property has 3 separate horse paddocks, 2 sep holding yards, and one large back paddock with its own 550mtr trotting track and dam. The main house yard come with dog proof fencing all round, and adjoining the property on one side is designated parkland. This property presents itself immaculately and is worthy of your inspection.