In the hills of some of Gympie’s most versatile farming land is 65.24 (approx. 162 acres) of rich volcanic soils. Be it tree crops, small crops or cattle, the results from the deep soils bordering Eel Creek will never fail to impress.
The owner has undertaken some regrowth management in recent times that has opened up the warm western slopes, and following recent rains, the pasture regrowth is beginning to transform the landscape to a sea of green.
On top of the ridge in the centre of the property are a set of timber and steel cattle yards with a plunge dip and head bale. From atop the highest peak you can almost see tomorrow. The eastern side is watered by two dams while Eel Creek is on the western boundary.
The property has been previously tested for deposits of blue metal and other minerals are known to be present in the area.

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