Do you want the opportunity to build an agri-tourism business OR perhaps harvest millable timber or firewood OR irrigate pasture crops for your cows or horses OR just enjoy the ideal lifestyle 15 minutes to Gympie and 1 hour 15 minutes to Noosa beach?
The renovated 2 bedroom home is very comfortable and has stood on this property for about 100 years. Solid and modernised and able to be easily extended to a larger residence if necessary, it commands wide views over the acres and acres of pasture.
2 dams and a permanent creek provide the water with 2 hydrants allowing irrigation to a small area of alluvial soil.
Yes a third is covered by trees, but there is a lot of pasture land for livestock. Excellent horse and cattle country and the soft ridges provide nature trails aplenty without leaving the farm! An agri-tourism/free camping business would give peace and enjoyment to many families and being only about 12 kms from the Bruce Highway and a further 8 kms to Gympie, location is perfect.
Currently running about 30 European cows on grass including Rhodes, Setaria, Paspalum, Stylo and Wynn cassia and native pasture, there is ample scope to increase carrying capacity with pasture improvement and smaller paddocks.
The stockyards are timber, sound and include a plunge dip. A rare property.
Price to sell $840,000
î Contact Graham Engeman – Coronis – Ph 0428 832 244 for inspections Email –
150.44Ha / 372 acres
Millable timber
Renovated House
18 kms to Gympie
Well Fenced