The cubby house with that view is on the market, we have all driven past and admired the view and thought how lucky the children are that live there, now it’s your opportunity to own it and there’s so much more than a great cubby house.
Immaculate weatherboard(2004) home , 3 bed + office, 2 bath, lovely wide 360 degree verandahs to take advantage of the amazing uninterrupted views. Brilliant shedding (2012) fully equipped bore with quality water, productive land, excellent pasture & fenced for cattle.
If you get excited about a good shed and man cave, then it’s time to get excited, because this is awesome! The man cave is the ultimate escape, stay tuned for more photos.
Move in and not have to do a thing. You can relax, revitalise and recharge your batteries.
While the property currently runs cattle, if horse are your thing there is a great site for an arena & then fencing could be easily converted. If you would like to view please call Dee-Anne Hunt, Adelaide Hills Lifestyle Property Specialist.