If you are after that low maintenance package in a very popular suburb with families and schools at the end of the road, this classic double brick home offers a wonderful opportunity for first home buyers, investors or those up sizing from a unit. With ease of lifestyle in mind, the home has a large open living/meals/kitchen floor plan. Feature combustion heater in the living area, down lights, wall rc/ac and ducted evaporative cooling for the coming summer.
Polished floorboards throughout the home make for easy cleaning and makes the presentation even more appealing. Renovated kitchen with good amount of cupboard space, range hood and plenty of room for that big fridge.
There are three bedrooms. The large south facing master with big built-in robes and ceiling fan. Renovated bathroom and renovated separate toilet.
Externally the front yard is well manicured with room for the kids to play and a nice long paved driveway for at least four cars to park. Even plenty of room for the caravan, boat or storage. Good size paved rear yard for spring entertaining, small tool shed and separate laundry.