Contact Agent Asap

Your designer home awaits! Have you ever dreamt of building your very own enormous, luxurious, indulgent home? Having the best of the best bespoke fixtures, features and finishes, an indoor pool and massive roof terrace with magnificent views, but been overwhelmed at the thought? This is your chance.

A very rare opportunity that a savvy home owner would not pass by.

Choose your own kitchen, bathroom, floor coverings. Your own design style, colours, appliances, fixture and finishes. The space can be customised to accommodate you and your family your way! Have it all your way and save money!! Unbeatable!

At 76 Seaview road, Tennyson, all the hard work is done. The foundations have been poured, the solid tilt up concrete and structural steel frame work erected, the lavish indoor pool and elevator shaft is in. Four levels, comprising in excess of 900sqm is waiting for you to add your personal touch.

The engineered commercial construction and spanning footprint allows you to create sleek, modern lines and open plan living spaces, along with areas to make more intimate. The property has outstanding uninterrupted views to the ocean on one side and the lake, the city of Adelaide and the Adelaide hills the other.

Hop out of your heated indoor pool, into your state-of-the-art personal lift to your enormous rooftop terrace; a private haven to enjoy gorgeous summer sunsets over the ocean and the sparkle of the city lights. Simply spectacular.

Your dream lifestyle starts here.

RLA 217 949