84.8HA (209ac)

To fully appreciate this rugged hills landscape you must follow the sweeping deep gorges of the winter flowing Marne River. The red gum lined permanent water holes and flats are complemented by the deeply folding hills comprising native grasses and clovers.
The only evidence of habitation is a small steel framed shed, mesh sheep yards and a stone lined well.
Presently fenced to one paddock for sheep production, the land has other livestock uses. With no nearby dwellings, the properties quiet natural attributes can be fully appreciated.
Within an 1 hour drive to Adelaide through the hills or via the Barossa, this property represents great value in a pristine location so close to more densely populated areas.
Please Note:
Any proposed development on this land is required to comply with the current State Government DPA for the Rural Zones in the Mid Murray Council District.
Please contact the agent for these details.
