Bungala has performed very well over the 2014 winter. Stock levels are now reduced so if you are thinking about good flat land with no nasty time limits or community fees then you should be doing your investigations right now. Prices are already responding to demand and that can mean only one thing for buyers. This land is on the market today at less than the high price of 2010 and pressure on price is building so don’t miss a good block at this price. You can build whatever takes your fancy and no restrictions on materials other than it is not allowed to look like a galvanised water tank!! Very easy building on sand throughout the rest of Bungala so here should be no exception. Bungala is mains sewer therefore no septic tank required so tick the save several thousand dollars box there. Already built on either side so you can see what you have and excellent neighbours both. Call us asap and we can meet you on the land and talk through the options.