Take advantage of brilliant summer days on Tasmania’s north east coast by acquiring your very own beachfront cottage on an extra large block (approx 1004 m2).
The property on offer boasts a dress circle position on the shores of sparkling Georges Bay. A northerly aspect ensures continued sunshine from dusk till dawn.
Immaculately presented, accommodation consists of three bedrooms, large bathroom with laundry and comfy lounge room with adjoining dining zone which takes advantage of the immediate, breathtaking water views. The bright sunny kitchen also with water views is the ideal venue for holiday cooking fun. The dining area opens out to a private patio and established lawn right to the sandy shore.
There is ample parking for cars, boats and trailers with lock up garaging and off street parking.
Properties of this calibre are rarely offered for sale, remaining in the one family for generations. This unique opportunity will suit those seeking the ultimate sea change or holiday retreat.

Only 10 minutes to St Helens and 2 hours to Launcestonthis property is all about LocationLocationLocation.