Operating for over seven years, this Cafe is well established and has a high profile location, strong market name, high level of respectful & regular customers from the prominent neighbouring businesses. Located on a busy shopping strip in Heidelberg, this business has a large flow of both foot and vehicle traffic. This business sells an average of 8-10kg of fine coffee and a variety of cafe foods. Good Profit margins with lots of room for improvement.
A busy yet cosy and vibrant meeting place.
New residential, business & retail development nearby.
In the process of upgrading some bench tops and doors.
Inspection is highly recommended. Easy business to run & would suit a couple or owner/operator.
Owner must sell & would be happy to negotiate. Would be happy to provide training and help.
Operating Hours: Mon to Fri from 7.30am to 3.00pm
Seating Capacity: 22 inside/ 8 outside
Long term lease available
Rent $420 pw