All you want in your new home, location, spacious rooms and big
$ savings on heating and cooling costs!

Set in the fastest growing corridor in Australia the City of Wyndham this 1 year old 26 square Ascent home built by Burbank (7 star energy efficiency rating) in Wyndham Vale meets every modern priority with elegance and efficiency.

Sitting on a approx 500 sq metre block of land, it has 4 generous size bedrooms, master with full ensuite with WIR, double basin, over size shower, open design, 2 bathrooms, walk in pantry, 20 mm granite stone bench top island, big double garage, evaporative cooling and heating and you shall save on your heating and cooling costs with the double glazed windows throughout, water storage tank and lots more.

Front and back yard are done with evergreen and native plants.

Situated within walking distance to Presidents Park, shopping centres, schools and recreational facilities.

To inspect this beautiful home
Call First National Westwood
On 9742 5555 today

Mel RE: 205 C2