Only 5 Minutes from Glen Forest Shops.
Large 4 bedroom 2 bathroom Homestead with jarrah floorboard and large below ground pool.
Original 1946 Cottage renovated with jarrah floorboards with 2 bedroom , sleep out and walk in robe or storage space. Nice kitchen and living area with fireplace and front veranda. Two homes side by side on this large rural and residential block.
*Large open room country kitchen
*Wood heater in living room
*3 extra large side by side garages (Workshops)
*Spa bath in en-suite to Main bedroom
*Large bedrooms with build in robes
*Outdoor entertaining area Large pool
*Landscaped garden and Fishponds
*This property is ideal for large family or extended family (granny flat) or separate living quarters.
For personal inspection call
Walter on 0407381928

Property Code: 403323380