Want to Buy a fun and exciting business.
Imagine standing on the wing of the stage performing the pyrotechnics for the Kiss concert. Synchronising the pyros for the Crusty Demons while they jump. Performing at the WWWF wrestling or the Metalica concert or on stage with ACDC? We did all these and many outdoor fireworks displays.

Perth Pyrotechnics Pty Ltd has come a long way since inception thirteen years ago. We have trained up a number of casual staff and will help you get your licenses to do displays all over the State. We are the only company in WA providing fireworks training for Theatrical Pyrotechnics or Outdoor fireworks displays, having written our own training packages. We do special effects for movies, have our own explosives magazines and travel to China to directly import our stock.

Included in the sale of this business is government approved explosive magazines, a lease in the government explosives depot, a four wheel drive vehicle modified for fireworks, all the hardware needed for displays, a 13m x 9m preparation shed, 2 x trailers, all the equipment you need and 4 tonnes of fireworks. All this plus web site and marketing materials for the low low price of $76,000.

This is a great opportunity to get into this business cheaply.