Please be quick as this type of offer is unlikely to be ever repeated.
Brilliant opportunity to buy a brand new single level 388m2 office or showroom in a profile location.
The property can be strata titled into 2 tenancies eg approx 195m each or say 230m2/155m2. Each has separate powerboards, there are 2 sets of double toilets and showers (ie there are a total of 4 toilets and two showers, refer plans for detail).
Anstruther Road is becoming the premium location for medical and professional uses and there are many more office developments proposed.
A major feature of this property is that it offers some of the best parking ratio available with 11 carbays ie 1 bay per 35m2 (and there is the possibility of another 2 bays).
Another bonus is the building location is on a bus route so staff can travel to work by bus or come from the train station via the bus.
The building is currently approved for an office useage and is due for completion at end of November.
Please speak to agent to clarify what is and what isn’t included in the property.
In summary I believe you cannot get better value for money (on a $/m2) for a rare commodity with so much parking and in a profile location on a bus route.
Please be quick as we don’t expect this to last as demand for this type of product is high within this affordable price range.