Situated 5 minutes walk from the centre of town is this immaculate 3 bedroom 1 bathroom duplex half.
Separated by the roller door garage , you will never hear your very quiet neighbours.

The property has a nice size kitchen with breakfast bar looking out over the back court yard .

Built in robes and skirting boards are a nice touch to this neat home.

Reticulation keeps the low maintenance garden in top shape and the plants are the kind that don’t need a lot of water .

Room to park a van or a boat is always an asset when living in Mandurah .

Lock up and leave this property and know that security wont be an issue.

No strata fees means the extra money can be spent sitting by the Mandurah foreshore sipping coffee or wine or buying bait to go catch those famous Mandurah crabs.

Buy the Mandurah dream now and call Tracy Reid today to book your personal viewing .