Perfectly situated in the close radius of schools, local supermarkets, beaches, cafes, and parks, ensuring that your daily life remains convenient and enjoyable. Featuring warm timber floorboards throughout drawing you to the spacious lounge with cozy fireplace, dining, kitchen, and office/study that can be converted to a handy small third bedroom.
Step outside and you’ll be welcomed with lush greenery and a spacious yard for the kids to play. Whether you want to sip your morning coffee or have a barbeque on the concrete downstairs area, this space offers the perfect setting for outdoor entertaining/living.
Additional information:
- Off Street Parking
- Pets considered on application
- Fully Fenced Yard
- Aircon
- Celling Fans
Inspections will be arranged for pre-approved applicants only.
Applications can be found below:
Disclaimer** Property Currently on the market for sale, once a tenant is secured and lease is finalised the property will be removed.