30 sqm strata titled office located on Churchill Avenue. This office space comes with one undercover car bay and has its own internal kitchenette & cupboard. The property overlooks Churchill Ave and has a sheltered courtyard area located out front of the the office which is great for a lunch area or break area.

The common toilets also have end of trip facilities so you can bike it to and from work. This office space can be rented on its own or joined with Unit 1 to create a 60 sqm space and thus giving you two (2) car bays.

Asking Price: $8,850.00 Net P.A. GST
Carbay: $200 PCM plus GST
Outgoings Approx: $5,000.00 plus GST

For more details contact Peter Beckton on 0419 422 492 or peter.beckton@acton.com.au