Let’s get straight to the major benefits of this great property.
Firstly….the price, that’s right, the amenities on offer here dictate that the price should be way higher than it is. Secondly the usable land is phenomenal, it’s bathed in sunlight all day and provides a great backdrop for the kids to wear themselves out. Thirdly, the Tennis Court, Lleyton Hewitt, Pat cash, Pat Rafter, Yvonne Cawley, infact all the greats of Australian tennis would appreciate a court of this quality and aspect. One of the great things about a tennis court is the versatility it provides, you can play basketball, soccer, ride a skateboard, netball, ride a bike…….you could even lock the kids inside the fence when they are driving you nuts!! The house is a cracker -
very unique octagonal design with large feature skylight
and includes everything you would expect and more – huge rumpus/billiard room, large entertaining deck .